Your Blueprint To A Stress-Free Home Build


Why Do I Need A Checklist?

Building a house has become more complex nowadays. If it's your first time building, you will likely have many questions throughout the process. Every builder does things differently and will oftentimes make decisions for you without you knowing. It's important that you go into your building process armed with the proper knowledge and insight to ensure you receive everything you expect and you close on time.

What’s In The Checklist



This area will highlight some of the steps you’ll take toward your new home build. Between your realtor, builder, lender, and/or draftsman, these steps may be in a different order, but this should bring to mind some of the major milestones of which to be aware.



Get at the heart of what you really desire in a new home. This area should help start a conversation between you and your family, as well as your designer, to determine how the design of your home can facilitate the kind of lifestyle you are looking for.


When there are so many different parties involved, it can be easy to lose track of where your money is going. The provided spreadsheet tracks payments to your designer or builder, loan payments, change orders, items purchased by owner, or other costs pertaining to your home build.



To ensure that the contractor is aware of all issues, compile your punch list on these sheets and keep one copy for yourself and provide one copy to the builder. Be sure to mark the completion date. If damage is done after the contractor has handed over the keys, it will likely be the responsibility of the owner.



There are several checkpoints during the building process that you should be aware of. In order to ensure the proper steps have been taken during your building process, this checklist will help you identify where updates or upgrades may be needed. This is a critical part of the process as change orders can cost $300 per occurrence.

Post Occupancy

It's important to keep all of your home building materials in one spot. In this portion of the checklist, you can reference warranties, and keep track of finishes, appliances, or additional work that needs to be completed on this sheet.

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Home Building Process

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